Stream Clean-upBlog PostsJoin this group
blog BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 5 - 0 COMMENTS
TVA Clean-up Posted in
TVA will be holding multipole clean-up operations on local waterways. Hope to see you there!
blog BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 5 - 0 COMMENTS
Clean-up project at south holston Posted in
Last week TVA put a clean-up on south Holston great success!
blog BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 5 - 0 COMMENTS
Eastman Chemical Company Posted in
After numerous "accident spills" the North Fork of the Holston river has taken many hits. This chemical company is putting so much pollution many...many fish have been caught with deformities and odd coloring. We should pitch in to have companies like this pay to clean up there own mess!
blog BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 5 - 1 COMMENTS
Clinch River Restoration Posted in
This River is a great river to fish in. Fish that are 24"-26" are common in this river. But, it wasn't like this 10 years ago, like South Holston this river suffered from extremely low oxygen level and high acid level from mining. Even though these problems haven't been completely fixed, the [ READ MORE... ]